Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Mehndi Henna style ink drawings

Hi all!, I Have always loved the henna tattoos that woman from India wear . I wanted a way to keep the designs because the henna fades and the beautiful artwork is lost. I decided to make some artworks that will last forever! I used my fine tip sharpie marker on white heavy 118 lb. paper. I love Sharpies, so any excuse I have to use them I do. lol. Here are my drawings in black ink, I plan on making more in the series but adding color ink. I had a lot of fun creating these!



  1. These are really lovely, have you considered scanning them and turning them into notecards or postcards? They're be awesome that way.

    Stephanie - follow me #13

  2. These are beautiful! You are very talented!!

    Magena- Follow me 13

  3. Wow these are amazing! I definitely think you should turn them into notecards & postcards as suggested above. ^

    Aaliyah {xshootingstarsx} follow me #13

  4. OMG, I love all of them!!! :-) <3
    (dlhwz, Follow me #13)

  5. Beautiful series of artworks! I'm also starting on a new hobby that is a little similar to this but I doubt that the output will be as beautiful. Keep it up!

    H2OBaby :: Swap-bot Follow me #13

  6. These are great! I especially like the elephant.

    - Zefaniya (Follow me #13)
